June 2022
Flo Stuart von Rosenberg
02/06/22 08:50 Filed in: Branch I

Flo Stuart von Rosenberg passed away May 13, 2021. She was the wife of the late Joseph Leslie von Rosenberg, Jr. and a member of Branch I.
2022 Reunion
01/06/22 11:03 Filed in: Reunion
The 2022 version of the von Rosenberg Family reunion will be held July 15th-17th at Camp Lone Star in La Grange, Texas. It is not too late to join us! See the Spring/Summer 2022 version of the newsletter for more information.
Thomas Benjmain Tomlinson
01/06/22 10:50 Filed in: Branch III

Thomas Benjamin Tomlinson passed away September 27, 2021. Thomas, the son of Hendley Edgar Tomlinson, Jr. and Marguerite Melfi, was a member of Branch III.
Robert Lewis Moses, Jr.
01/06/22 10:43 Filed in: Branch I

Robert Lewis Moses, Jr., passed away on February 1, 2022. Bob, a member of Branch I, was married to the Virginia Ann von Rosenberg Moses, daughter of Joseph Leslie and Jennie Crook von Rosenberg.
Arthur James von Rosenberg
01/06/22 10:37 Filed in: Branch I

I am way too late adding Arthur's obituary to this blog. For that I offer my sincerest apologies. Arthur was one of the important members of his generation in the family, specifically for his contributions to our understanding of the early part of the history of the von Rosenberg family and in trying to separate fact from fiction. In addition, he was a genuinely kind man who left a big impression on your humble webmaster.
Arthur James von Rosenberg passed away back in October of 2020 and has been deeply missed.
Randall Arthur von Rosenberg
01/06/22 10:25 Filed in: Branch IV

Randall Arthur von Rosenberg passed away Saturday, May 28, 2022. Has a member of Branch IV and was the son of Gary and Joy von Rosenberg. His obituary is located at https://charletfuneralhome.com/book-of-memories/4937965/Von-Rosenberg-Randall/index.php.